There's been a lot of crap that's been going on lately, it's starting to really tick me off. Some of it's been at school; a few fights have been breaking out, and I said,"Man, if this school keeps going on this way, this school's gonna get a bad reputation." Another thing is that one of our students died, it hit me hard in the stomach, I couldn't fight the tears any longer at 4th period, other people felt it too. I went to the auditorium at 6th period to discuss it with a counselor. And there's a personal situation that's making me wanna torture myself right now, but I think I should agree with Mom's decision. I'm feeling better right now, but I've barely managed even a smile since, all this kills me to think about. I feel a great deal of sympathy for those who were his friend.
Christopher Kinney
God bless you, and may you rest in peace